This session has been designed to help you understand the ICT General Capabilities for students and how you can upskill yourself in this area.

You will be required to do a self-assessment on your abilities in 5 domains of the Staff Capabilities in your professional learning handbook. These domains are:

The above links will direct you to helpful resources that will assist you in filling out you’re staff capability matrix.

While filling in your capability matrix, and you would like to learn more about a topic, please ask one of the ICT staff to assist you, while filling in your matrix keep in mind that you will need to establish three focus areas for growth in 2022 and record these later during the PL Week. If you need assistance with picking some areas for development, please ask a member of the ICT team.

Once you have completed the above, look at the ICT General Capabilities for students and see where you could add some of these into your planning/differentiating for 2022.

Extra Resources

ICT Capabilities:

Student General ICT Capabilities